Choose your desired flavor of Deluxe below...
Beta is updated a bit more often and includes features that aren't ready for a full release yet. May contain minor bugs.
Nightly is updated every time changes are pushed to the develop branch, which is sometimes multiple times a day. May contain major bugs.
Beta | Nightly |
v1.1.0-beta11 | v1.1.0-nightly |
Jul 5, 2024 | |
π₯ PlayStation 3
π₯ Xbox 360 π₯ Wii (Patcher) |
π₯ PlayStation 3
π₯ Xbox 360 π₯ Wii (Patcher) |
Previous Releases
Misc. Goodies
Discord Rich Presence
A Python script that allows you to show your current song on your Discord status.
NOTE: This only works on RPCS3!
YARG Song Updates
All included song updates and pro upgrades for use in YARG.
π₯ Download
Xbox 360 FUB Edition
This is a special version of RB3DX that does not include any song updates to ensure compatibility with vanilla Rock Band 3 on stock Xbox 360s on Xbox LIVE.
π₯ v1.1.0-nightly
This build is not recommended for regular, casual play in singleplayer or with other Deluxe users, this is only for playing with users running vanilla Rock Band 3.
Tools (Optional)
Onyx Music Game Toolkit
Onyx is the program used to convert songs between different games, and to pack multiple Rock Band songs into a single pack. Source Code
π₯ Download
Formerly known as "C3 Tools" and "C3 CON Tools", Nautilus is a program for working with many different types of Rock Band files. Source Code