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How to Install

Rock Band 3 Deluxe requires a copy of vanilla Rock Band 3 in order to run. We hope this is clear.

Select your platform of choice

Installing on PS3*

*RB3DX requires a modded PS3 console (CFW or HEN) in order to run.

Download Rock Band 3 Deluxe if you haven't already


Rock Band 3 Deluxe is now installed and ready to play!

You can play the game using the original disc or via a backup on your hard drive. Rock on!

Installing on Xbox 360*

*RB3DX requires a modded Xbox 360 console (RGH/JTAG) in order to run.

*Games on Demand (GoD) or ISO disc images are NOT supported!

*The game must be in extracted folder format. You should see a `default.xex` and `GEN` folder.

Install your copy of Rock Band 3 to the console's hard drive. This step is required.

Download Rock Band 3 Deluxe if you haven't already

Before you launch the game for the first time, we recommend that you...

Rock Band 3 Deluxe is now installed and ready to play!

PS, you should also check out RB3Enhanced! You can run it alongside Deluxe and use its additional quality of life features. Rock on!

Installing on Wii* (and Dolphin Emulator)

*RB3DX requires a modded (Homebrewed) Wii console in order to run.

*You can run RB3DX on Wii, vWii, Wii Mini, and Dolphin Emulator.

Download Rock Band 3 Deluxe if you haven't already

Rock Band 3 Deluxe is now ready to play!

PS, you should also check out RB3Enhanced! You can run it alongside Deluxe and use its additional quality of life features. Rock on!

Installing song updates for YARG

RB3DX song updates require original Rock Band CON files to work.

Download YARG Song Updates from Misc. Goodies if you haven't already


Rock Band 3 Deluxe Song Updates are now ready to play!

Rock on!